Now that Lily speaks English fluently (i.e., so that we can fully understand her) it just feels wierd to speak for her on this blog. So, for this post at least, I'm going to share a little story from the point of view of her loving mama, and as Calliou would say: that's me!
Lily met Santa today for the 1st time! It was AWESOME!But first...ever since the day after Thanksgiving, we had talked about taking her to meet him at the mall, but to be honest, after envisioning waiting hours in line, with our VERY active toddler, knowing that the big red man would make her cry, just didn't sound like a fun way to spend an afternoon. We don't get a lot of afternoons together lately; I would much rather stay home! SO, Cosmo had a vet appointment today (Lily: WHY mommy? Me: Because we go to the doctor once a year to make sure we're healthy. Lily: WHY??? Me: Because...we DO?... In my head: Exactly when WAS the last time Joe or I went to the doctor for a check-up???)
So Joe, Lily, Cosmo & I piled into the car (Oh, pink baby was strapped in her seatbelt in the backseat as well) to drop Cosmo off at the vet. As Joe was signing Cosmo in, Lily got this really funny grin on her face. Then her mouth opened VERY wide and she said
"Hi, Santa." I didn't think much of what she said because anyone that knows 2-year-olds knows that they have a lot of conversations with, well, anyone or anything. But, I soon caught a glance of a
big red suit and a white beard. Santa was across the room setting up for the big "Bring your pet to sit on Santa's lap photo op" (huh?)
Lily began to flirt with Santa in the only way she knows how: by giving him her silliest grin with a finger hooked in each side of her mouth and her tongue stuck out. So, we really lucked out because Santa had just arrived and the animal parents hadn't even started lining up. As we exited the store, we went to say a close-up hello. Lily wanted to take her sweatshirt off to show Santa her reindeer t-shirt (she stuck such a proud chest out to Santa :) Lily was showing off by not answering Santa's questions, avoiding his gaze, and twirling around in circles for him. He finally asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She said "a bike!" Then he said "OK. I think I can fit one of those on the sleigh." She beamed.
Now THAT is Christmas.I wrote this to remind myself how sweet this season can's not about the cold rain, the long hours of work, the gifts, the food, the lines at the mall or the traffic outside. It's about the
joy on
my little girl's face. Merry Christmas my tweetie pie. Mama loves you more than you know.