Jan 20, 2010

Welcome Mady & The Wizard of Oz

One of Lily's favorite Christmas gifts was a Wizard of Oz dress-up box. Above Lily is playing the part of Dorothy. Below, Lily & I were lucky enough to meet and love Aubrey's new sister, Mady. This 1st pic is a little mischievious :)

Lily asked to hold Mady several times (like every 2 minutes while we were there) and was very loving to her, kissing her head and holding her fingers she would whisper sweet things to her. Maybe OUR BABY is ready to be a big sister. And now, over a week later, Lily talks about Mady daily. Tonight, she was walking around with "Mady" in her play carseat feeding her a bottle. Mady also went to bed with her tonight. One cool thing: Mady is so small that she fits in the palm of our hand, and we never misplace her because, well, she's invisible. Lily's imagination is in full bloom, and it sure is fun to watch! We have promised to go back to Summer & Aubrey's to get a real Mady fix soon though.

Jan 3, 2010

Snow Day!

First taste of snow (above)...YUM! On the bunny slope below...Lily had SO much fun. It was a beautiful sunny day in the mountains while it was cold and gloomy in Sac.

Riding the intermediate slope with Dad.

The "black diamond" sledding hill. Joe took this one alone. It was steep and had a nice BUMP at the end that gave him some air.

Joe gets air...(Warning! You must turn your computer on it's side to watch this one! Don't ask.)

Christmas at Gigi & Papa's

You wouldn't really know these pics were from Gigi & Papa's house because neither of them are in any of the pics!? After about an hour of avoiding eye contact (or face contact) with everyone at the party, Lily bloomed into her usual goofy self. She got this VERY cool horsey purse from Auntie Candie & Jenny. In the above picture that's horsey on Lily's head...where he spent most of the evening. Wait, there's Gigi's body to the right of Lily!

Here's Lily opening her dress-up box from Unlce Dave & Heidi. That gift was (and is) a BIG hit. Promise to post pics of her as Dorothy and the evil witch soon :)

This picture captures part of Lily's outfit on Christmas. On top she wore her beautiful Christmas dress, but underneath she wore the jeans (and shirt) that she had refused to take off from earlier....maybe she is a tomboy at heart because she also refused (I'm not dramatizing, you should have seen her when I tried to take her jeans off!!) to wear her tights or dress shoes. That's G.G. Ma & G.G. Pa, some of her favorite people of the evening (may have a little tiny something to do with the Dora sweatsuit and Calliou & Dora DVD's they gave her).

Overall, it was a relaxing and fun time with family. The day after Christmas everyone joined in a friendly game of bowling (everyone except me, Jen. I took a nap :)

Vacation photo montage...testing this out