Aug 6, 2008

In the Canyon

Our big hike down to the canyon floor of Bryce and then back up a very steep path to the top again. For some reason we got lots of crazy looks from people because of the stroller. We even got comments about how brave my parents were and were offered help as well. Crazy foreigners!
I made a little friend, the only one I could find smaller than me. Here I am trying to communicate with him, but he just doesn't get it. I even shared with him some of my PB&J.
My favorite spot in the hotel room. Yep, those are Mom's underwear on my head.

The "amphitheatre" at Bryce.

We hiked along the upper rim of the amphitheatre at sunset. It was beautiful...
...and so relaxing that I took a little nap.

In the canyon there were lots of caves, arches, and hoodoos. Hoodoos are those tall stacked looking structures. They were named after voodoo and formed by water and ice.

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Vacation photo montage...testing this out