Sep 26, 2010


Every year we meet Joe's grandparents for the Vacaville Jazz Festival. Here are some pics of the annual icecream feast at Fenton's that follows the music. This has been a tradition for 4 years! The 1st time we all went Lily was just 4 mos. old. This year we watched a military big band. They were great and ended with the most amazing rendition of American the Beautiful I've ever heard.

Lily AFTER icecream. She just crawled under our table and layed down.

Here are the 1st day of school pics I promised. Look at that BIG girl!

What a poser! Remind you of another Goldbronn?

I think this bathing suit has seen it's last Summer, though Lily still loves to wear it. Her little pot belly is so sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it needs to come off love to see her naked

Vacation photo montage...testing this out