Sep 16, 2010

Lily's 1st Days of Preschool!!

Lily started preschool last week! There are 11 3-year-olds in her class. I've probably been more nervous about the whole thing than she has. She has been nothing but excited to go each day. This is the outfit she picked out at Target for her 1st day of school. Note: she has worn it every day since -"Mom, I have to wear my school outfit." I have better pics of her whole outfit with her new backpack...but Joe hasn't emailed them to me I'll post those later.

Lily, her friend Aubo and another friend (Lily won't tell me her name) outside the fire station.

The whole class outside the fire station. Don't they look cute in their little school shirts!

There's Lily and Joe and the rest of the group listening to the fireman talk about safety and such. I wonder if Joe had more fun than Lily? Here you can see her braid; she asks for me to braid her hair every school day.

The whole class on the fire engine. Lily had a lot of fun, except when the fireman put his mask on. Joe said one of the kids cried and then she got pretty nervous.


Anonymous said...

Who is that Big girl masquerading as my little Lily. I can't believe how grown up see looks. Gigi

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Lily, it looks like you had a lot of fun on your trip to the firestation.I really like your braid,soon your hair will be as long as mine,and won't Mommy have fun braiding that!
Love and kisses
Auntie Denise

Vacation photo montage...testing this out