Sep 12, 2011

Camping: Part 2

Our campsite
 We wanted to go to a "real beach" so we found one on our drive home. It was beautiful, but we also noticed a sign at the entrance that said something about the tide being deadly. Thinking they made the sign as liability for all the idiots trying to swim too far out, we kept walking toward the water. That's when David Hasselhoff showed up. We watched him repeat his warning to those daring to put their toes in the water up and down the beach. We did, however, get to see a very cool group of harbor seals (mommies and babies).

Day at the beach

Annual Camping Trip: Summer 2011, Salt Point State Park

The girls spent 90% of their time collecting "wheat" seeds.
Awww...our sweet family, and what a view!

Picnic time

Hiking! Yes, Lily's first real hiking. She was such a trooper!

Vacation photo montage...testing this out