My first fair. Wow! It was awesome! We went to a show called "Bats, Rats and Cats" where I met a 20lb rabbit but didn't meet any bats (hmmm?)
My favorite part was the petting zoo for sure! I pet a deer, a baby goat, a sheep (to which I said "baaaa"), a little kangaroo, a pig and a donkey. They were all very friendly. One goat even tried to eat my dress! Maybe Mom should have spent the $2 on the feed for the poor guy. I watched cows being milked, but didn't try it myself (I have my own milk, thanks.)
I rode a pony in circles. It was OK. I was a little freaked out at first and then was more interested in waving at all the passerby's.
Then we ate BBQ and ran through the misters. Oh and visited the sea lion. The best part? Dancing to this acapella singing group who sang some fab oldies like Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. They were these 3 HUGE Samoan guys with the most beautiful voices.
Overall, it was a perfect day! (Even though Dad got a tummy ache from his deep fried twinkie!)