I am already turning out to be quite the computer nerd. Mom and Dad can't use the computer in my presence without me trying to help out a bit.
I am walking...everywhere!!! I'm so fast it's hard to catch a picture of me though. I walk from room to room and like to follow my parents or Milo or Cosmo around. By the way, check out my fancy new jacket. My Grandma Lori made it for me. It's very soft and cozy so I like it.
I like to make changing my diaper or clothes a bit of a challenge for Mom and Dad these days. Here I am standing up on my changing table, probably looking out the window at one of my Dogs (note: I said Dogs, plural.)
My new favorite food...
Don't call CPS on my Dad please. He just couldn't help himself.
First touch of grass (no jokes please). I love the outdoors.
Storytimes. I would rather hold and read the book myself though. I can read out loud and point at things I like in the pictures too. I had a few accidents with my non-board books. Got a little too excited and tried to see if I was strong enough to pull a page (or 5) out...oops.