May 17, 2009

Monkey Party Girl is TWO!

My party was fun! Friends and family, BBQ, monkey games, and outdoor play (including water, of course!); what could be better??? Here are a few party pics to enjoy...

My Grandparents hanging out (yes, I'm lucky to have a lot of grandparents!)

My monkey cupcakes! They were YUMMY! I preferred the toppings and the frosting especially.

We had practiced blowing out my candles beforehand, but it was a little windy and the flame kind of freaked me out. So, Daddy helped. (See my monkey outfit :)

Me and my pals eating cupcakes. That's Zoe and Aubrey. I was SO happy to have my friends there.

Opening gifts. I was very distractable. So gift opening dragged on for quite awhile with play in between. I got some really fun stuff. Cute summer clothes that I really needed and a swing set (thank you Gigi, Papa & Great Grandma & Grandpa! Dad & Chris *started* building it yesterday.) My friends Aubrey & Summer made me a wooden doll that I can dress. I like to rock her to sleep on my shoulder and then put her to bed in the little doll bed Great Grandma Betty made me. Lots of cool stuff indeed.

This was Mom & Dad's gift to me. A sand and water box! I LOVE playing with water right now. Notice both Zoe and my cool hairstyles (a la sand & water).

Oh and one of the best parts of the day...SWING TIME!
Here is Aubrey and I!

Papa Joe and I. It got a little hot towards the end of the party and my clothes were a tad wet from the sand & water box. Who needs clothes anyway?

Papa & *Uncle* Chris pushing me in the swing. It was nice to have Uncle Chris & Simpson at my party. No offense to Uncle Chris but I sure wish his other halves could've been there too. We missed Violet & Elizabeth :(

Zoe and I swinging...what sweet smiles!


Jennifer Banuelos said...

the cupcakes are so cute!

Anonymous said...

What a fun party!! Love the cupcakes. I am sure that water and sand table will be well loved. Ours has been the best "toy" ever!! We need to get together soon. Miss ya!

Elizabeth said...

Aw! We missed being there, too! Everything looked so cool! Glad my other half could represent, though...

Unknown said...

i didn't receive a cupcake...please fedex :-P glad you had a great time!!!

Vacation photo montage...testing this out