Mar 22, 2009

Lily's World (March edition)

I'm pretty much a potty pro now (as long as I'm naked). But some days are better than others! Sometimes you'll just find me sitting on the potty doing my thing, with my reading material in case I get bored.

I was trying to show you all of my teeth in this picture. I have almost all of them and even 4 molars (those were fun coming in!)

One of the things I learned when left alone with Dad for a few days. What did he call it? My homie pose? I'll do it on command if you ask me sometime. I've also learned to bow and blow kisses to the crowd after a performance (?) (I've also learned a dance called "the centipede") and if you burp in front of me, I'll call you a pig. I love my Daddy.

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Vacation photo montage...testing this out